A Note From Our Editor:
In a culture that seeks to commoditize everything, “Men’s Coaching” is positioned as a luxury, but the truth is, it’s a necessity. We all need counsel. We all need to be shown the questions that invite us into the dark hallways of ourselves, the ones that we’re scared to go down alone. We all need time, space, and guidance to help us reflect and move forward.
“Men’s Work” isn’t just for you or me, it’s for humanity. It’s for our sons, the boys we will raise. It’s for girls and women, for their safety and equity. The price of men continuing to suffer in silence, stuck in old patterns (suppression, depression, oppression) is far too great a cost on all beings. For this reason, support and resources must be made accessible to anyone brave enough to ask for it.
I hope that Tell Us A Love Story, bro. can serve as such a resource for you. I hope that you can find hidden parts of yourself in the stories told and take action through the challenges offered, so we can continue to heal and grow together.
Thanks for being here, bro.
Tell Us A Love Story, bro. features a series of essays and personal stories, each including a unique monthly challenge, designed to help men in their pursuit of meaningful work, intimate relationships, and healthy brotherhood.
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Submit a thought-provoking headline, an original idea for your piece, and a short writing sample.
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