FAQ: Why Do I Keep Chasing Women Who Don’t Want Me Back?
An examination of why we chase what we can never have, and an invitation to shift your energy towards attracting connections that you’d actually have to show up for.
By Josh Gershon
Dude, what a brave question.
The fact that you say you "keep" chasing women who don't want you back indicates that this has been a pattern. The fact that you've asked the question at all means that you're seeking an answer—which, at the very least, means you want to understand the root of the pattern. I'll take it a step further and assume that with this understanding, you want to break the pattern, live more fully, and fulfill your desire for love and connection.
Naming any of this out loud, to another man or even just to yourself, is a noble and courageous act. I honor you for that.
So, before we get into it, I think it's important to tell you you're not alone.
I can't pretend to know exactly what you're feeling, but I can tell you that I have danced my own dance with unrequited love and have endured much beautiful suffering in its grips. It hurts so good.
I'm a big romantic. Anyone who knows me will tell you that. I love love. I also love writing, travel, epic fantasy tales & superhero sagas, plus I'm a storyteller by trade. You can imagine then that I would prefer to write love poems, slay dragons, travel to the ends of the earth, and face impossible odds to meet my muse instead of swiping on my phone to meet local singles. That shit is plain and boring and heartless. I want the magic.
Also, as men, it's in our blood to crave adventure and a relentless pursuit of a destiny filled with pleasure and promise. It tracks with our inner hunter, explorer, and risk-taker to willingly suffer for a woman who lights us up—for a love that we believe will make us come alive.
If we sat down for a whiskey or some tea, I'd tell you about the…