If You Think Dating Sucks
Change requires ownership: own and accept the current reality, action: different results require different action, and endurance: one must endure the pain (internal and external) that comes as an inevitable result of taking ownership and taking action. If it was easy, everyone would do it, most will not.
This essay is meant to be a guided walk through the woods towards the change you seek. Slow and meandering, it won’t be a straight path (you can scroll directly to the question and offering sections if you want a more expedited trip), but as long as you keep walking—if you’re open and honest and brave enough to face whatever you encounter out here, you will come home a different person.
In plain english: if you read the following (whether from start to finish or you jump around a bit), answer the questions (honestly, slowly, intentionally) and consider the offerings presented within, you will set in motion changes that will impact your dating life, and you will not be able to return to the old way.